-Big Blue in the Deep Blue, Who's The Big Fish Now?
-Bioenno vs. SLA, Bioenno is the Way to Go!
-Ultimate Motorcycling Magazine
-4 Year Old Bioenno Battery Beats All Challengers
-Why Yes, Boats and Batteries Do Mix
Family that DXes Together
Big Blue in the Deep Blue, Who's The Big Fish Now?
(Just a hint: It's page 18-19. We'll save you all the trouble of scrolling through the other stuff that doesn't have yours truly in it.)
Daily Dose of Ham with W8BYH
Bioenno Power brings you your daily dose of Ham, nice wholesome fun with yours truly, the "Big Blue Battery!"
Closeups and individual pictures are just a click away. Seriously. Click it.
Can You Hear Me Now? Big Blue and You, Yet Another Ham Story
Sit down, gather 'round for this is the tale of a Ham, his batteries and one hell of a good story and his name is Larry. WA9TT.
"We had 12 checkins for the FCARC monthly 6m FM net last night. All went very well. This time I operated from High Cliff state park at 982' ASL. The Bioenno Power BLF-1230LB again worked perfectly. The net lasted 50 minutes and I was on the air a considerable portion of that time as net control. As I recall, I used some 70-80 Watt-hours of energy. I could have operated for several hours with that battery!"
Pictured Above: "Here is a pix of the configuration from the front seat of my car. I feed into a Yaesu 991A"
"This morning I went back to High Cliff and this time operated from the lookout tower. I was attempting a 10 GHz activation. Band conditions were too weak this morning as I tried contacts from 102, 111 and 158 miles away. I use a Yaesu 817 for IF. I also use that rig for 2m backbone communications on 144.180 SSB. I add a Mirage 30W linear to boost the signal. On 2m I was as much as S9+5dB this morning."
Pictured Above: "I operated for 1 1/4 hours and used 26.7 W-h of energy from a Bioenno Power BLF-1215A battery. Here is a pix of my 10 GHz station."
"I will be operating from Aztalan state park for the WI Parks on the Air event in September. WIPOTA is new this year. I led the team effort to develop this contest. See www.wipota.com. I will use the Yaesu 991A on 40m & 75m SSB. I will also operate a second rig on 146.55 MHz FM into a 150 Watt Mirage linear. I have several Bioenno Power batteries, so I think I'll be nicely set of this 7 hour contest. Oh, yes, finally, you mentioned 6m propagation. I operate in many of the Spring & Fall VHF/UHF Sprints as a Rover. Recently we had the 6m Sprint. That is a 4-hour event. I operated FT8 from EN54, EN64, EN63 and EN53 using my ICOM 7100 in a Go Kit at 100 Watts."
Pictured Above: "Here is a pix on location. For this particular Sprint I used a homemade dipole for operation on 50.313 MHz."
Bioenno vs. SLA, Bioenno is the Way to Go!
Here at Bioenno Power we get this question every day: Why Bioenno? We ask: Why SLA? The future is here, the future is now, so allow us to share an unbiased unprompted review of LiFePO4 vs SLA and why SLA's are a thing of the past, a relic belonging in a museum. We'd like to thank Dennis VE3KVE for this excellent writeup:
(PDF Copy for Download: A better emergency/backup battery)
Product Review by Mark Wilson K1RO, QST Magazine
Check out this great review here! (PDF)
Bioenno Power 12V LiFEPO4 Batteries
Back Country Cabin QRP
Terry Smith and wife Bess (KK4OU) 31st anniversary weekend out. Both had a peaceful day out which was more enjoyable having the foldable solar panel which is light and portable to take any where in the area.
I encourage all of you to get out and be portable ANYWHERE.
As I have said many times… “Ham Radio is just TOO much fun”
73 de NE4AM
NE4AM is an extra class, volunteer examiner, FIST member, ARRL Member
When at home in North Carolina I enjoy my club membership in W4YSB
Melbourne to Melbourne, The Story of a QSO
Imagine this: you are sitting on a beach in Melbourne Florida working portable, 20 meter SSB on an Icom IC-7300 through a 13 footer Alpha Antenna all powered by a Bioenno Power BLF-1220A 20A battery. It's all going decent until the radio crackles to life and you hear a voice. It's Melbourne but not the guy down the street, it's Melbourne AUSTRALIA. 9,732 miles away land of kangaroos Australia.
On January 26, 2018 a date which will forever live on, Chuck N5JED/4 made what will surely go down in Ham lore as one of the legenary QSO's.
CG Amateur Radio.
To read the article, click here!
Bioenno Power products are featured on Ultimate Motorcycling Magazine!
"Jonathan Handler, Editor-at-large for Ultimate Motorcycling magazine, reviews Bioenno Power batteries for use with ham radio applications, while on a motorcycle. He operates his ham radio using the batteries while on a motorcycle trip from Thousand Oaks, California to Temecula, California (more than 140+ miles). We would like to extend our appreciation to Jonathan Handler for the review."
To read the article, please click here!
Hamvention Radio 360 Interview starts at 1:35:54. To hear the interview, please click here and scroll down on linked page.
South County ARES news letter on battery power for one of our premiere communications activities in the SF Bay area mentioned us!
4 Year Old Bioenno Battery Beats All Challengers
You read that right. 4 year old "Big Blue" beats all challengers in a recent third party non-biased test, one of our batteries from way back then proved it still retained 98% of its rated capacity after 4 years of use!
(Source: https://proaudioeng.com/portable-battery-performance/)
Why Yes, Boat and Batteries Do Mix
Bioenno Power Batteries can make your vehicle feel like a top Fuel Drag Race, and the formula is simple: lighten and add power...well in our case you get the range and fuel economy too, but who said you couldn't cheat a little? We'll provide the unfair advantage.